trydaTM (also known originally as Directory Assistant, by Rick Whitt) is a freeware app designed to connect you to the businesses, people, products and services you want, whenever and wherever you want. And trydaTM is one of the simplest and fastest ways to get 411 information on your mobile device.
Key Features:
Dial query results directly with one tap
Find Business Name
Find Residential Name
Neighbors: Find businesses or houses that surround an address
Reverse Query by Phone or Address
My tryda: save complete listings - or sets of listings - for immediate repeat viewing
Use the three-digit airport code to specify the location of your query
Auto-notification in tryda when an update is available
Major benefits of trydaTM include:
Fast: trydaTM is fast... much faster than a browser-based search. The trydaTM application resides on your phone, so it opens instantly and allows you to submit your query and receive your response within seconds. No need to wait for browser or map pages to load before you can get started. Get maps or directions, as well.
Efficient: trydaTM is very lightweight, with a very small memory footprint. Plus, because the application and many of your settings, preferences and templates are in resident memory, the amount of data that passes over the mobile network is minimized, further speeding the response.
Free to Download and Use: If you have an unlimited data plan through your mobile carrier, there is no added cost to you to use trydaTM. If you have a data plan that is not unlimited, you will incur data charges from your carrier when using it. But trydaTM minimizes the amount of data transferred because much of what you see is already in your device's memory and it doesn't load data-intensive maps from the Web just to get a result (you can do that after you get your results). This speeds up the process, and conserves your data usage, saving you time and money.
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