November 30, 2010

BlackBerry Empathy - Concept phone that can detect the wearer's emotions

RIM as the holder of the Blackberry brand issued a mobile phone concept, BlackBerry Empathy. Designed by Kiki Tang & Daniel Yoon. BlackBerry Empathy connects the user straight away to sites like FaceBook and MySpace for quick messaging and status updates. The device also comes with proximity sensors, allowing you to detect the emotions of the folks nearby through an emotion chart with a visual timeline
BlackBerry Empathy

Empathy uses movable keys, a translucent tactile keyboard and a flexible OLED display, plus a HUD (heads up display). The keypad on this phone can change color according to the user’s emotions, that are sensed through messages, phones calls and biometric sensors

BlackBerry Empathy Charge

The surface of  Empathy is described as touch based and all the user’s connections are shown graphically so you can see who is connected to whom. Each contact has an avatar that is encompassed by two colored rings. The inner colored ring shows the contact’s previous emotional state, and the outer ring represents the contact’s current emotional state.Another important feature is the ‘Emotional Health Chart’ that will monitor the user’s emotional health through an indefinite period of time. One would be able to see how a certain event, or phone call has affected the user


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