March 18, 2012

SR-SX2, Android-operated rice cookers

The development of the Android OS was remarkable, since this operating system introduced many devices that use Android. Ranging from smartphones to TV has been using Android, but Android on Rice Cooker ...?

Panasonic has Decided Announced the SR-SX2 rice cooker comes with some cool features and can be operated with an Android device.

Android-operated rice cookersThe gadget runs on RFID technology, and is compatible with all FeliCa smartcard (Sony technology) enabled smartphones. After downloading the app, one can simply modify the settings from a compatible smartphone. Settings include type of rice, temperature, timer and other science rice option. The user is then Able to tap the device on that blue icon and the magic starts.

With so many features, your rice will probably come out even tastier. But the price offered is quite expensive about $ 1075 US. Would anyone be willing to spend that much money for a rice cooker?

The SR-SX2 will be released in June for the Japanese market.
This Could be an option. What is next, though? Android-operated toilets, Android-operated fan or something else?

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  1. Okay this is kinda crazy to me. I love the droid os but a rice cooker??


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